Luxemburg Foreclosures

We have 1 Luxemburg foreclosures in our database

  • Elm St St. Luxemburg, IA 52056
    #46395151 - $99,410 - 3 Bed, 2 Bath, 1500 sq ft, Built 1974
    Elm St St. Luxemburg Foreclosure Listed Apr 23, 2012, Auction: May 29, 2012
    More Details >
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Luxemburg, Iowa foreclosure bargain hunters can use National Relocation to search for foreclosure properties in Luxemburg or view real estate in Luxemburg. Our Luxemburg foreclosure REO listings have number of beds, baths & price. Investors can also check out Iowa houses for rent for current rental market conditions, Iowa schools plus Luxemburg neighborhood demographics to see if they are interested in investing in a Luxemburg Foreclosure.